Privacy Policy believes that strong personal privacy is a necessity for the success of our business.

Although we track the total number of visitors to each of our pages in an aggregate form to allow us to update and improve our site, personally identifiable information is not extracted in this process. For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes only domain names, but not E-mail addresses (where possible). We collect only the domain name, but not the E-mail address of visitors to our Web page, aggregate information on what pages users access or visit, user-specific information on what pages users access or visit and information volunteered by the user, such as survey information and/or site registrations.

Additionally, psychological test data that is generated by our software is never stored or archived. User results are destroyed immediately upon being transmitted. The only time test results are transmitted to a third party is when formally requested by a user using our tools that allow users to share test results with friends and family.

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our Web page, to customize the content and/or layout of our page for each individual user, to notify users about updates to our Web site, and by us to contact users for marketing purposes. It is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes. will respond to visitors who send us E-mail to particular addresses, for example, regarding advertising, partnering, or employment opportunities. will use the information submitted in those e-mails only to respond to the purpose specified by the sender.

Except for information we provide to our authorized agents, or as required by law, does not sell or release any personally identifiable information gathered on our website to any third parties. All personally identifiable information gathered here will be used only by for internal marketing analysis and to improve our products, services and websites.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users of the existence of a new privacy policy. This policy is specific to this site.

To contact us regarding our Privacy Policy, please send an e-mail message to

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