Color Quiz - Results

Thank you for taking the Color Quiz! These results are provided as a fun way to examine your personality but even though the results are very accurate you should not consider them a diagnosis. See a doctor or psychologist for that!

Your Existing Situation

"Organized and detail-oriented, he has a very precise and methodical manner. He needs relationships which offer him understanding, respect, and approval."

Your Stress Sources

"Unfulfilled hopes have left him feeling uncertain and even a little fearful about the future. Needs to feel secure and avoid further disappointment; fears he will be looked over, lose his position, or lose respect. Has little hope that things will get better in time and his negative attitude leads him to place impossible demands on others or to compromise or bargain."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Willing to become emotionally involved because he feels isolated and alone. He tries to avoid conflict and disagreements, but his arrogance leads him to quickly take offense."

"Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. He is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity, as long as there is not a lot of conflict or emotional difficulty."

Feels as if too many walls and obstacles are standing in his way and that he is being forced to make compromises. He needs to put his own needs on hold for the time being.

Your Desired Objective

"Looking to make a good impression and be recognized for his achievements. He has a strong need to feel appreciated and look up to. He is very sensitive and will be hurt if he is rejected, unnoticed, or not given adequate acknowledgement."

Your Actual Problem

"Has been disappointed and let down, believes it is pointless to come up with new goals as they will most likely disappoint as well. Needs to be recognized and respected, but is worried about the future. Reacts by avoiding situations where he will be criticizes or others will attempt to influence him. Tries to take charge of the situation by controlling the details and strengthen his position. "

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