Color Quiz - Results

Thank you for taking the Color Quiz! These results are provided as a fun way to examine your personality but even though the results are very accurate you should not consider them a diagnosis. See a doctor or psychologist for that!

Your Existing Situation

This representation a wall between the opposite colors before it and the remaining colors.

Your Stress Sources

"An emotional relationship is falling apart and disappointing and has become a depressing situation. Would like to free himself from the relationship, but is afraid of losing what could have been or future disappointment down the line. His emotions constantly contradict each other irritating him; he tries to hid his irritation with a distant and harsh attitude."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Current situation makes him feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things."

Is bothered when his needs and desires are misunderstood and he feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. His self-centered attitude can cause him to be easily offended.

"Is emotionally demanding, especially during intimate moments, which leaves him feeling frustrated because he is unable to find a perfect union."

Is bothered when his needs and desires are misunderstood and he feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. His self-centered attitude can cause him to be easily offended.

Your Desired Objective

"Is optimist but will set impossible and unobtainable goals for himself. Has been extremely disappointed in the past and looks at life with disgust and hopelessness. Needs a break and a chance to recover from his depression, in a worry-free environment."

Your Actual Problem

"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave him feeling the same way. Is unable to admit to his short comings, which leads him to act out in an aggressive and resentful way."

Your Actual Problem #2

Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. He reacts by blaming others for his shortcomings and acts out in a rebellious and harsh way.

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