Color Quiz - Results

Thank you for taking the Color Quiz! These results are provided as a fun way to examine your personality but even though the results are very accurate you should not consider them a diagnosis. See a doctor or psychologist for that!

Your Existing Situation

This representation a wall between the opposite colors before it and the remaining colors.

Your Stress Sources

"Feels as if he is in an impossible situation, he has lost the trust and respect of others and feels he is being treated unfairly and with no consideration whatsoever. He feels unappreciated which is bruising his self-esteem, but feels helpless to do anything about it. Feels misunderstood and alone, as if no one is willing to help him with the problems he faces. He needs constant attention and encouragement, but he is getting neither of those things and it is bringing him down. He needs to escape the situation, but feels helpless to do anything or make a decision toward a solution."

Your Restrained Characteristics

Has strong emotional demands and is picky when it comes to choosing a partner. He chooses to remain emotionally distant and uninvolved in relationships.

"Is emotionally demanding, especially during intimate moments, which leaves him feeling frustrated because he is unable to find a perfect union."

"Feels he is not receiving his fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things. He tries to make the best of his situation."

Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective

Has too much built-up excitement which is ready to break free in an impulsive and irrational outburst.

Your Actual Problem

"His personality is such that he analyzes and examines everything with harsh judgment, which is viewed as an attitude of harsh criticism and disapproval. Fails to take into consideration all the facts when making his judgments. "

Your Actual Problem #2

"Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of his control, leaves him feeling helpless, anxious, and in adequate. He tends to act out as a way of covering up his short comings and blames other people for his failures."

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