Color Quiz - Results

Thank you for taking the Color Quiz! These results are provided as a fun way to examine your personality but even though the results are very accurate you should not consider them a diagnosis. See a doctor or psychologist for that!

Your Existing Situation

"Searching for a close bond with others which are accepting and kind. Needs a safe, peaceful atmosphere."

Your Stress Sources

"Seeks freedom and the chance to do as he wishes; avoids restrictions or things that try to hold him back. Feels an intense amount of pressure being put on him and would like a chance to escape in order to do the things he wants and needs to do for himself. However, he lacks the determination and motivation to escape and pursue his own personal gains."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Demanding and picky in his relationships, but careful not to bring out conflict or disagreements and this may decrease his chances of achieving his goals and ideas."

"Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended, which leaves him feeling isolated."

"Is emotionally demanding, especially during intimate moments, which leaves him feeling frustrated because he is unable to find a perfect union."

Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.

Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.

Your Desired Objective

Lives life to the fullest. Has a high energy level and is always on the go. He is very active and his actions often lead to success.

Your Actual Problem

"Fights resistance or limitations, and insists he is free to develop in his own way. Rewarded by accomplishing things on his own, with little to no help from others."

Your Actual Problem #2

"Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of his control, leaves him feeling helpless, anxious, and in adequate. He escapes the situation by throwing himself into new activities and insisting he get his own way. Appears to be in control of himself, which he isn't, leading to outbursts of anger."

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